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Export activities at border gates still slow: Ministry

About 171 vehicles of export products to China implemented customs clearance from February 20-23 at the Hữu Nghị International Border Gate. —  Photo

HÀ NỘI — Export activities through border gates with China were still slow by February 23, according to the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

About 171 vehicles exporting products to China went through customs clearance between February 20 and 23 at the Hữu Nghị International Border Gate in Lạng Sơn Province, including fruits, electronic components and garments.

Up to 365 vehicles exporting products, including jackfruit, dragon fruit, mango, longan, chillies and electronic components, were still stuck at that border gate.

About 189 vehicles carrying electronic components, machinery, porcelain, glass and garments entered Việt Nam via the border gate during this period.

At the Tân Thanh International Border Gate in Lạng Sơn Province, 13 vehicles carrying dragon fruit and watermelon were exported from Việt Nam to China and 18 vehicles of yellow melon, green beans, onions, potatoes, peanuts, fresh mushrooms and garlic were imported to Việt Nam.

However, 107 vehicles of farming products to China, including dragon fruit and watermelons, are waiting for customs clearance at this border gate.

The ministry said the slow export activity at Tân Thanh border gate was due to a small number of workers loading and unloading goods on the Chinese side and a lack of trading activities performed by border residents.

From February 22, the Management Board of the border gate and the Chinese side agreed to implement customs clearance from 7am to 7pm daily to facilitate import and export activities, according to the ministry.

The ministry also said Lào Cai border gate imported 188 trucks of goods from China in the period from February 20 until February 23 while at present, about 200 vehicles of goods are waiting for export to this market.

In Quảng Ninh Province, the total trade value reached about US$525,700 at the Móng Cái border gate during the period. The customs sub-department of this border gate implemented customs clearance for 42 trucks, including 27 export goods trucks to China and 15 import goods trucks. — VNS

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