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Over US$519.3 million mobilised through G-bond auction

The Treasury raised VNĐ3 trillion worth of 10-year bonds with an annual yield rate of 2.28 per cent, down 0.04 per cent from the previous session on December 16.— Photo

HÀ NỘI — More than VNĐ12 trillion (US$519.3 million) was mobilised for the State Treasury through a Government bond auction at the Hà Nội Stock Exchange (HNX) earlier this week.

As much as VNĐ9 trillion worth of bonds were offered, including 10-year, 15-year, 20-year and 30-year bonds.

The Treasury raised VNĐ3 trillion worth of 10-year bonds with an annual yield rate of 2.28 per cent, down 0.04 per cent from the previous session on December 16.

Those with a 15-year term attracted VNĐ4 trillion at an annual interest rate of 2.5 per cent, falling 0.04 per cent from the previous auction on December 16.

Meanwhile, bonds with a maturity of 20 years were purchased for a total value of VNĐ1 trillion, and an interest rate of 2.89 per cent per year, a fall of 0.04 per cent compared to the auction on December 16.

Bonds with 30-year terms were sold for VNĐ613.5 billion, and an annual yield rate of 3.14 per cent, declining 0.01 per cent from the previous session.

Some VNĐ3.5 trillion was mobilised from 10-year and 15-year bonds at the sub-session auction.

According to the HNX, the Treasury has mobilised over VNĐ323.9 trillion from G-bond auction at the bourse from the outset of the year. — VNS

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